Revitalising Industrial Floors

Production starts from the floor up! We know how demanding flooring usage can be in industry with relentless trafficking, unforgiving levels of impact & abrasion and aggressive chemical attack. The heavy-duty resin screeds and coatings we install in industrial environments ensure your floor is both protected and made safe for operatives as well as providing a more conjucive environment for working in.

Resin flooring is very versatile and the majority of industrial flooring requirements can be met with a few of the numerous products on the market; please see our guide to choosing a resin floor. In most cases, this will be a high-build epoxy coating which is suitable for FLT traffic and general industrial usage  in addition to providing good chemical resistance. For extreme levels of impact and heavy-duty usage, other products such as P.U. screeds are available.


Swegon Air Management, Kent

– high-build epoxy resin coating.

Removing Ceramic Tile Adhesive

– Thick, hard tile adhesive need to get back to smooth substrate.

Preparation is the key

No matter how good the product, suitable preparation is essential to ensure longevity in resin flooring. In industrial situation, this often means more than just a mechanical grinding. We crop and fill bolt-heads, make good broken or worn joints and fill cracks and holes. Where necessarry, we can also treat oil-contaminated areas, make good porous slabs or apply an epoxy resin DPM membrance.

The Linen Group, Manchester

– high-build epoxy resin & floor repairs.

Sous Vide Meal Solutions, Stockport

– polyurethane screed reinstatements.

More than simply applying floor coatings.

Every industry has different flooring needs. We can vary the level of slip-resistant to meet your specific needs and create ailes, lines, safety signs and direction marking all in the same product.

Loch Wynd, Warrington. – high-build epoxy resin with aisle.
resin flooring ar warehouse in Warrington
The Clearance Outlet, Warrington. – high-build epoxy resin and resin-based repairs applied in an industrial unit.
Epoxy Resin flooring at warehouse in Warrington

More than just providing a functional working surface.

A production floor makes a statement about the company with a clean, bright floor suggesting that a quality product being made with attention to detail. A vibrant floor is also indicative of concern for employee’s welfare and safety. In short, a floor is a statement about the kind of company you are! A floor can say as much abour your business as a stylish suit can say about you.

GKN, Leek – High-build Epoxy Resin on Oil-tolerant primer.
epoxy resin flooring at enginering factory in Leek
UTAS, Prestwick High-build Epoxy Resin with P.U. seal coat.
Industrial Flooring by Cheshire Resin Flooring
Indupart, Stockport. – A training area required a new resin floor finish.
resin flooring at door manufacturers in Stockport
Plasman Products Ltd – resin repairs to broken concrete around metal barrier legs.
concrete repairs at factory in Manchester
Magellan Aerospace, Wrexham. – high-build epoxy resin applied as hatching.
Resin Flooring by Cheshire Resin Flooring
Sale Sports Club, Greater Manchester. – high-build epoxy resin in a plant room.
resin floor in plant room by Cheshire Resin Flooring

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